Dear Gatorade

Remember when you were little and you saw the Gatorade commercial with Michael Jordan and Mia Hamm in it for the first time and you wanted nothing more than to have your sweat turn the color of your Gatorade and it never happened?

Yeah, me too. Imagine a 5-year-old watching two of the greatest athletes of their time join head to head in a number of sports taking a Gatorade break and having blue and purple sweat. That becomes everything you ever wanted in life so you are drowning yourself in Gatorade and then exercising just waiting for your sweat to come out any color other than clear.

Well, I am 20 years old now and I am still waiting on the day that my sweat just magically comes out another color. No, I am not delusional, just hopeful.

If this day ever does come I will most definitely cry tears of joy and while my friends might not ever believe that it actually happened I’d be satisfied and content with life.

Am I living in fantasyland you ask? Probably, but wouldn’t that just be the coolest thing ever to have colored sweat? If you answer no I know that you had no imagination as a child growing up.

This is the conversation my friend kirby and I had a couple of days ago. I laughed when she told me she actually tweeted at gatorade. she said “gatorade we need to have a chat, its urgent.” Gatorade actually tweeted her back and told her to shoot them and email (which is really great PR by the way). She emailed them her complaint about not ever sweating the color of their drink LOL, but of course they didn’t respond. ( horrible PR) This was great day!


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